Ten Nets of Kiln-Dried Hardwood Logs
£85.00 £80.95
Only 5 left
The ultimate in convenience and ease of lighting!
Our small nets are easier to move around and store than a bulk bag and contain logs no more than 10 inches. Being kiln dried, these logs light incredibly easily and will be throwing out heat within minutes.
These small nets are perfect for people who do not have the space to store a large bulk bag and prefer the convenience of smaller packages. Your logs will be delivered in nets as shown in the picture, with orders in multiples of 10 nets. Please see our individual nets available for collection only if smaller quantities are required.
Our kiln-dried hardwood logs:
- Timber sourced from local, well managed woodlands to ensure a truly sustainable and low carbon fuel. Only the best species are used, mainly Sycamore, Birch and Ash, with some Beech and Oak.
- Timber is well seasoned before being split and then dried in one of our wood fuelled kilns ensuring that our logs are very dry and ready to burn. Moisture content is checked prior to delivery to ensure it is below 20%.
- Our kiln dried logs require very little, if any, kindling to light and throw out a good heat in minutes.
- Nets contain small logs all cut to 20cm.
Nets Unlike our large bulk bags the nets are a one use item, all we ask is that you dispose of them appropriately.
RHI and BSL These logs are BSL approved for use under the RHI. The BSL number is BSL0000402-0002.