Barrow Bags of Kiln-Dried Hardwood Logs (3 bags per pack)

£156.00 £148.57

Our best selling product packaged in a way that enables easy delivery to harder to reach places. Ideal if you have limited access and want quick, easy heat. Three of our barrow bags will give a similar quantity of logs to one of our bulk bags.

By choosing barrow bags we can move the bags on a trolley to drop them in places that cannot be reached with our delivery truck. This can save you a lot of time moving logs in a wheelbarrow or by hand if you have limited access. These bags are heavy though and steps & slopes can prove a challenge, so please bear this in mind.

Whether you simply enjoy a log fire on special occasions or use firewood to heat your home, our kiln-dried hardwood logs have long been the best you can get! By kiln drying we ensure a moisture content below 20%, difficult to achieve naturally in our damp Scottish weather. This means that kiln-dried logs will light more easily but also burn slightly more quickly than seasoned air-dried logs making them the perfect choice for a wood burning stove where heat output can be controlled. Their lower moisture content also means a very clean burn ensuring the glass windows on your wood burners shouldn't turn black with excess soot. Our logs are all a consistent, high quality, regular sized product delivered neatly to your door in the bag, ready to burn.

Our kiln-dried hardwood logs:

  • Kiln-dried hardwood logs, when properly seasoned, burn cleanly whilst giving off a great long lasting heat with no sparks to worry about.
  • The perfect fuel for wood burning stoves, open fires, firepits, chimeneas or pizza ovens.
  • Our kiln is fuelled with waste wood from our own operations and so is as environmentally friendly as all of our firewood is.
  • Timber sourced from local, well managed woodlands to ensure a truly sustainable and low carbon fuel. Only the best species are used, mainly Sycamore, Birch and Ash, with some Beech and Oak.
  • Timber is well seasoned before being split and stored inside for several months. The bags are then placed in our wood fired kiln for a week which reduces the moisture content to below 20%. This means there is very little of the woods energy wasted burning off excess water in your fire.
  • We are careful to ensure our logs are split to a regular size; 25cm long and about 50-100mm across.
  • All bags are individually marked to provide complete traceability of timber and drying times.
  • Our 45x45x90cm bags are extremely well filled, not only to give you the best possible value but also because they won't stack properly in our shed if under filled!

Bags We make no charge for our high quality bags at the time of delivery, but we do like to recover the empties so that they can be re-used. Please either return, or advise us if you have bags to uplift.

RHI and BSL These logs are BSL approved for use under the RHI. The BSL number is BSL0000402-0002.